Mohammad D.

My Blog

Blog about Javascript, Development and Tech.


Responsive vs Adaptive Design - What's the difference?

Responsive and adaptive design are two terms that are often used interchangeably. But they are not the same.
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Tools I use

A list of the tools and software that I use on a daily basis to help me build the Web.
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Optimize your React App Performance with Memoization

Using React Hooks you can optimize your react components and help improve the performance of your application
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Creating Unhackable passwords

How do you make a strong password that is uncrackable using brute force?
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Tactical vs Strategic Development

Two different ways of programming
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What is Docker and why do developers use it?

Let's dive in to Docker and learn what is it used for.
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Which programming language to choose in 2021?

In 2021, there are hundreds of programming languages being used every day. Learning a language is difficult, but choosing one can be harder.
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Is Programming right for me?

There are a few indications in your personal traits that can help you decide if you want to give coding a chance for a career.
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Developers with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that causes a lack of faith in one's achievements. This is accompanied by a constant fear that you will be revealed as a fraud.
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How do you write good code?

Should you focus more on the readability of your code or should you worry about making it run faster?
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Working Remotely - 5 Useful Tools for Developers

To get more work done from home, you need the right tools. Here is a few I use as a developer when working remotely.
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